Selected publications

R. De Haas and J. González-Uribe (2025), Public policies for private finance.
Read  Forthcoming in the Annual Review of Financial Economics

E. Beqiraj, Q. Cao, R. De Haas, and R. Minetti (2025),  Global banking and macroeconomic stability. Liquidity, control, and monitoring, Journal of International Economics, forthcoming. Read

S. Qi, R. De Haas, S. Ongena, S. Straetmans and T. Vadasz (2024),  Move a little closer? Information sharing and the spatial clustering of bank branches, Review of Finance, 28(6), 1881-1918. Read ◊  Featured in VoxEU

R. De Haas, R. Martin, M. Muûls and H. Schweiger (2024), Managerial and financial barriers to the green transition, Management Science, forthcoming.
Read ◊ Featured in Nature Climate Change

R. De Haas, L. Lu and S. Ongena (2023), Close competitors? Bilateral bank competition and spatial variation in firms’ access to credit, Journal of Economic Geography, 23(6), 1237-1271.
Read ◊ Data ◊  Online Appendix

Brock, J.M. and R. De Haas (2023), Discriminatory lending: Evidence from bankers in the lab, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 15(2), 31-68.
Read ◊ Featured in Pocket EconomicsAll About Finance, VoxEU, The Forum and EBRD Impact Brief

V. Baranov, R. De Haas and P. Grosjean (2023), Men. Male-biased sex ratios and masculinity norms: Evidence from Australia’s colonial past, Journal of Economic Growth, 28, 339-396.
Read  ◊  Featured in VoxEU,  The Long RunThe Conversation and the Seriously Social podcast

De Haas, R. and A. Popov (2023), Finance and green growth, Economic Journal, 133(650), 637-668.
Read  ◊  Featured in the Financial TimesVox Video, VoxTalksVoxEU, Bloomberg, MarketWatch, LSE Video Book, Duke University FinReg blog, and the PRI Blog  ◊ Reply to Listo, Saberian, and Thivierge (2023) Erratum

Aksoy, C.G., C.S. Carpenter, R. De Haas, M. Dolls and L. Windsteiger (2023), Reducing sexual-orientation discrimination: Experimental evidence from basic information treatments, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 42(1), 35-59.
Read ◊  Featured in VoxEU and VoxTalks Economics

Crépon, B., R. De Haas, F. Devoto and W. Parienté (2022), Microcredit made to measure. Experimental evidence from rural Morocco, Journal of Development Economics, accepted pre-results review.

De Haas, R., M. Millone and J. Bos (2021), Information sharing in a competitive microcredit market, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 53(7), 1677-1717.
Read  ◊  Featured in VoxEU

De Haas, R., D. Ferreira and T. Kirchmaier (2021), The inner workings of the board: Evidence from emerging markets, Emerging Markets Review, 48, 100777.

Bircan, C. and R. De Haas (2020), The limits of lending? Banks and technology adoption across Russia, Review of Financial Studies, 33(2), 526-609.
Read  ◊  Featured in VoxEU and World Economic Forum ◊  Download the Gosbank dataset

Baranov, V., R. De Haas and P. Grosjean (2020), Queens of the desert: Convictism and marital attitudes across Australia, AEA Papers & Proceedings, 110, 457-462.

De Haas, R. and M. Millone (2020), The impact of information sharing on the use of collateral versus guarantees, World Bank Economic Review, 34(S1), S14-S19.

Aksoy, C.G., C. Carpenter, R. De Haas and K. Tran (2020), Do laws shape attitudes? Evidence from same-sex relationship recognition policies in Europe, European Economic Review, 124.
Read  ◊  Featured in VoxEU, Psychology Today, and LSE Business Review

Attanasio, O., B. Augsburg and R. De Haas (2019), Microcredit contracts, risk diversification and loan take-up, Journal of the European Economic Association, 17(6), 1797-1842.
Read  ◊  Featured in The Forum

De Haas, R. and S. Poelhekke (2019), Mining matters: Natural resource extraction and firm-level constraints, Journal of International Economics, 117, 109-124.
Read  ◊  Featured in LSE Business Review and VoxEU ◊  Data and replication files

Beck, T., H. Degryse, R. De Haas and N. van Horen (2018), When arms’ length is too far: Relationship banking over the credit cycle, Journal of Financial Economics, 127, 174-196.
Read  ◊  Online Appendix  ◊  Featured in All About Finance, VoxEU, and the Wall Street Journal

Brown, M., R. De Haas, and S. Sokolov (2018), Regional inflation, banking integration, and dollarization, Review of Finance, 22(6), 2073- 2108.

R. De Haas, M. Djourelova and E. Nikolova (2016), The Great Recession and social preferences: Evidence from Ukraine, Journal of Comparative Economics, 44, 92-107.

Augsburg, B., R. De Haas, H. Harmgart and C. Meghir (2015), The impacts of microcredit: Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 7(1), 183-203.

Attanasio, O., B. Augsburg, R. De Haas, E. Fitzsimons and H. Harmgart (2015), The impacts of microfinance: Evidence from joint-liability lending in Mongolia, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 7(1), 90-122.

De Haas, R., Y. Korniyenko, A. Pivovarsky and T. Tsankova (2015), “Taming the herd?” Foreign banks, the Vienna Initiative and crisis transmission, Journal of Financial Intermediation, 24(3), 325-355.

De Haas, R. and I. Van Lelyveld (2014), Multinational banks and the global financial crisis: Weathering the perfect storm?, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 46(1), 333-364.

De Haas, R. and N. Van Horen (2013), Running for the exit? International bank lending during a financial crisis, Review of Financial Studies, 26(1), 244-285.

De Haas, R. and N. Van Horen (2012), International shock transmission after the Lehman Brothers collapse. Evidence from syndicated lending, American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, 102(3), 231-237.
Brown, M. and R. De Haas, (2012), Foreign currency lending in Emerging Europe: Bank-level evidence, Economic Policy, 27(69), 59-98.

De Haas, R. and I.P.P. van Lelyveld (2010), Internal capital markets and lending by multinational bank subsidiaries, Journal of Financial Intermediation, 19, 1-25.

De Haas, R., D. Ferreira and A. Taci (2010), What determines the composition of banks’ loan portfolios? Evidence from transition countries, Journal of Banking and Finance, 34, 388-398.

De Haas, R. and I.P.P. van Lelyveld (2006), Foreign banks and credit stability in Central and Eastern Europe. A panel data analysis, Journal of Banking and Finance, 30, 1927-1952.
Read  ◊  Featured in VoxEU