
Guest lecture at Oxford University
On November 13, I will give a guest lecture on gender discrimination in bank lending as part of Oxford University's Business Economics Programme "The Economics of Discrimination", a series of online seminars on the economic impact of discrimination across our society....
Economics of LGBTQ+ Individuals Virtual Seminar
On July 15th, I will present my paper with Victoria Baranov (University of Melbourne) and Pauline Grosjean (University of New South Wales) on the causes and consequences of masculinity norms, as part of the amazing AEA Economics of LGBTQ+ Individuals Virtual Seminar...
NBER Summer Institute presentation
On July 13, my co-author Michelle Brock will present our paper on gender discrimination, as part of the NBER Summer Institute meeting on entrepreneurship. The full program is available here:
Upcoming webinar at King’s College London
On May 6, 11am London time I will give a webinar, organised by King's College London, on my paper "Discriminatory Lending: Evidence from Bankers in the Lab" (with J.M. Brock).
New working paper on gender discrimination in lending
My paper with J. Michelle Brock on gender discrimination in small business lending is now available as a CEPR Discussion Paper. The following VoxEU column gives a brief summary. In a nutshell, the paper reports on a lab-in the-field experiment that Michelle and I...