
Upcoming & earlier this year
- Durham-Bristol Banking Policy Forum: “Violent Conflict & Cross-border Lending” (3 October 2025)
- Toulouse Business School: “Blended Finance and Female Entrepreneurship” (25 September 2025)
- MoFiR workshop (Singapore): “Bank Specialization in Lending to New Firms” (2-3 June 2025)
- FIRS Conference (Seoul): “Bank Specialization in Lending to New Firms” (28-31 May 2025)
- ZEW-INTERACT conference (Mannheim), keynote address on finance and the green transition (7 May 2025)
- Central Bank of Ireland: “Blended Finance and Female Entrepreneurship” (1 May 2025)
- University of Naples Federico II: “Blended Finance and Female Entrepreneurship” (23 April 2025)
- OECD: “Move a Little Closer? How Information Sharing Reshapes Bank Branch Networks and Credit Access” (3 April 2025)
- WEFIDEV-RFS-CEPR Conference on Finance & Development (LSE): “Violent Conflict & Cross-Border Lending” (28 March 2025)
- Frankfurt School of Finance & Management: “Blended Finance and Female Entrepreneurship” (19 March 2025)
- University of Strathclyde: “Blended Finance and Female Entrepreneurship” (19 February 2025)
- Opening remarks at the “Digitalisation in De-risking of Correspondent Banking” conference, Bratislava (10 October 2024)
- Paris Nanterre University, keynote address, 2nd Workshop on Gender Issues and Development (8-9 October 2024)
- FINPRO4 – Conference on Finance and Productivity (ESADE Business School): Discussion of “Opening the Brown Box: Production Responses to Environmental Regulation” by Lakshmi Naaraayanan (25 September 2024)
- European Finance Association Annual Meeting (Bratislava): “Blended Finance and Female Entrepreneurship” (23 August 2024)
- European Finance Association Annual Meeting (Bratislava): Discussion of “The Startup Performance Disadvantage(s) in Europe: Evidence from Startups Migrating to the U.S.” by Stefan Weik (22 August 2024)
- “Finance in the Tuscan Hills” Workshop, European University Institute (1 July 2024): “Broken Relationships: De-Risking by Correspondent Banks and International Trade”
- Guest lecture on “The Role of the Green Transition in Emerging Markets” (Erasmus University Rotterdam, 16 February 2024)
- Introductory remarks at the Vienna Initiative meeting on De-Risking in Correspondent Banking (Vienna, 18 January 2024)
- ASSA Annual Meeting (San Antonio): “The Reconstruction and Development of Ukraine’s Financial Sector after the War” (5 January 2024)
- ASSA Annual Meeting (San Antonio): “State Ownership and Corporate Leverage Across the World” (5 January 2024)
- ASSA Annual Meeting (San Antonio): “Blended Finance and Female Entrepreneurship” (6 January 2024)
- Keynote address at the CAFRAL Warwick Workshop on “Economic and Financial Barriers and Opportunities to the Green Transition in Emerging Economies” (Mumbai, 24 July 2023)
- ZEW Lecture on Economic Policy (Mannheim): “Banks and Green Technology: The Limits to Lending” (14 June 2023)
- 3rd Finance and Productivity (FINPRO) Conference (Banca d’Italia). Discussion of “Climate, Amenities and Banking: El Niño in the US” (Filippo De Marco, Bocconi University) (9 June 2023)
- IE University – Banco de España – Federal Reserve Bank of St. Luis Conference on Current Challenges in Economics and Finance (Madrid): “Managerial and Financial Barriers during the Green Transition” (11 May 2023)
- Seminar at ITAM (Mexico City): “Blended Finance and Female Entrepreneurs” (12 April 2023)
- Seminar at Nova School of Business & Economics (Lisbon): “Blended Finance and Female Entrepreneurs” (3 March 2023)
- Seminar at E3G: “Finance and Green Growth” (22 March 2023)
- Seminar at Goethe University (Frankfurt): “Blended Finance and Female Entrepreneurs” (14 February 2023)
- European Central Bank, “Managerial and Financial Barriers to the Green Transition” (13 February 2023)
- KU Leuven, 2nd Finance Faculty Brownbag Day, “Blended Finance and Female Entrepreneurs” (23 January 2023)
- Yale School of Management, “Managerial and Financial Barriers to the Net-Zero Transition” (18 November 2022)
- Copenhagen Business School, “Directed Lending and Female Entrepreneurs: Micro Evidence from Turkey” (21 October 2022)
- Indian Institute of Management (Ahmedabad). “Discriminatory Lending: Evidence from Bankers in the Lab” (19 October 2022). VIRTUAL
- 4th Endless Summer Conference on Financial Intermediation and Corporate Finance (Athens). Discussion of “Limits to Private Climate Change Mitigation” (Igan Deniz) (31 August 2022)
- EEA-ESEM Milano 2022. “Discriminatory Lending: Evidence from Bankers in the Lab” (22-26 August 2022)
- European University Institute. “Directed Lending and Female Entrepreneurs: Micro Evidence from Turkey” (11 July 2022)
- MoFiR Workshop on Banking. Discussion “Escaping Violent Death: Access to Credit and Female Mortality” (Janis Skrastins) (6 July 2022)
- Workshop on SME Financing (Lisbon School of Economics and Management): “Managerial and Financial Barriers to the Net-Zero Transition” (4 July 2022)
- URPP Conference on Gender and Inequality. “Male-biased Sex Ratios and Masculinity Norms: Evidence from Australia’s Colonial Past” (Zurich, 8 June 2022)
- Discussion of “There is no ‘Planet B’ but for Banks There are ‘Countries B to Z’: Domestic Climate Policy and Cross-Border Bank Lending” by Emanuela Benincasa, Gazi Kabas and Steven Ongena at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research (8 April 2022). VIRTUAL
- AFA 2022 Annual Meeting (Boston). “Discriminatory Lending: Evidence from Bankers in the Lab” (January 7-9, 2022). VIRTUAL
- Copenhagen Business School: “Discriminatory Lending: Evidence from Bankers in the Lab” (1 November 2021)
- Keynote at the University of Zurich Workshop on Sustainable Banking (15 October 2021)
- KU Leuven: “Discriminatory Lending: Evidence from Bankers in the Lab” (7 October 2021)
- Durham University Business School: “Discriminatory Lending: Evidence from Bankers in the Lab” (6 October 2021)
- European Finance Association (EFA) Meeting: “Corporate Finance and Green Growth” (August 25-27)
- World Bank ECA Talk on “Firm-level Barriers on the Path to Net Zero” (16 June 2021 )
- Tsinghua University: “Transition Report 2021-21: The State Strikes Back” (21 May 2021)
- People’s Bank of China: “Transition Report 2021-21: The State Strikes Back” (19 May 2021)
- Graduate Institute Geneva – Vilfredo Pareto Research Seminar: “Discriminatory Lending: Evidence from Bankers in the Lab” (25 May 2021)
- Moscow Workshop in Finance: “Discriminatory Lending: Evidence from Bankers in the Lab” (12 May 2021)
- Joint Vienna Institute (JVI): “Transition Report 2021-21: The State Strikes Back” (10 May 2021)
- BOFIT Seminar at the Bank of Finland: “Managerial and Financial Barriers to the Net-Zero Transition” (27 April 2021)
- Discussion of “Banking Barriers to the Green Economy” by Tarik Rouky and Hans Degryse at the Swiss “Lenzerheide” Winter Conference on Financial Intermediation (31 March 2021)
- University of Edinburgh Business School UEBS A&F Research Seminar: “Discriminatory Lending: Evidence from Bankers in the Lab” (24 February 2021)
- Discussion of “Gender-based Price Discrimination in the Annuity Market: Evidence from Chile” by Piera Bello at the ZEW Mannheim Conference on “Ageing and Financial Markets” (10-12 February 2021)
- Lecture on “Discrimination in Bank Lending”, part of the Oxford University Business Economics Programme (13 November 2020)
- Seminar at the Department of Banking and Finance, University of Southampton: “Discriminatory Lending: Evidence from Bankers in the Lab” (11 November 2020)
- Fixed Income and Financial Institutions (FiFi) Conference, Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina, “Discriminatory Lending: Evidence from Bankers in the Lab” (31 October 2020)
- Discussion of “To Syndicate, or Not to Syndicate? That is the Question!” by Allen Berger, Christa Bouwman and Teng Wang at the Fixed Income and Financial Institutions (FiFi) Conference, Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina (30 October 2020)
- MoFiR Virtual Seminar on Banking: “Discriminatory Lending: Evidence from Bankers in the Lab” (25 September 2020)
- European Finance Association (EFA) Annual Meeting: “Discriminatory Lending: Evidence from Bankers in the Lab” (20-21 August 2020)
- 6th IWH-FIN-FIRE Workshop (Halle): “Discriminatory Lending: Evidence from Bankers in the Lab”
- AEA-ASSA Annual Meetings (San Diego)
- AEA LGBTQ+ Virtual Seminar
- Seminars at the LSE Systemic Risk Center, ZEW Mannheim, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, University of Sussex, King’s College London, Goethe University Finance Seminar, FDIC Center for Financial Research, Humboldt University (Berlin), King’ College London Online QPE Brownbag Seminar, University of Sussex Business Finance Research Webinar
University of Bonn, University of Bristol, Tinbergen Institute (Amsterdam), London School of Economics, SKEMA Business School, Renmin University of China, Xiamen University, CEPR Endless Summer Conference on Financial Intermediation and Corporate Finance (Athens), Federal Reserve Board, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Centraal Planbureau, CFIC Chicago, Swiss Winter Conference on Financial Intermediation (Lenzerheide), EFI Workshop (Brussels), Ghent University, 4th EBC Network Internal Workshop in Banking and Corporate Finance (Lancaster)
3rd CEPR Annual Spring Symposium in Financial Economics, CGIC Workshop on Corporate Governance of Financial Institutions (Amsterdam), LSE Evening Lecture on “Financing the Middle Income Transition”, Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Queens University Belfast, ECB, University of New South Wales, Copenhagen Business School
University of Glasgow, University of St. Andrews, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Surrey Business School, Maastricht University, European Central Bank
MoFiR Workshop on Banking (Chicago), Lancaster University, 20th SIOE Conference (Paris), University of Essex (keynote), Halle Institute for Economic Research, CEPR 1st Annual Spring Symposium in Financial Economics, Chicago Financial Institutions Conference, Tilburg University, Bocconi University, Banking in Emerging Markets Conference (Cape Town)
MoFiR Workshop on Banking (Kobe), London School of Economics, RIETI Tokyo, CESifo Summer Workshop (Venice), Oxford University, Luxembourg School of Finance, Institute for Advanced Studies (Vienna), Goethe University, Ghent University, Tinbergen Institute (Amsterdam), University of Groningen, University College London, Tilburg University
AEA Annual Meetings (Philadelphia), University of Zurich, Tilburg University, Barcelona GSE Summer Forum, MoFiR Workshop on Banking, Norwegian Central Bank, European Economic Association Annual Conference (Toulouse), Austrian Central Bank, University of Utrecht, University College London, EBS Business School, International Economic Association Conference (Amman), Aalto School of Business (Helsinki), Royal Economic Society Meetings (University of Manchester)
Academic conferences and invited seminars
FIRS (Dubrovnik), European Finance Association (EFA) Meetings (Cambridge), Austrian Central Bank, Université Catholique de Louvain, Bocconi University, Tilburg University, WZB Berlin, Tinbergen Institute (Amsterdam), MoFiR Workshop on Banking (Ancona), Royal Economic Society Meetings, University of Surrey
Academic discussions
Paris School of Economics-CEPR-Federal Reserve Bank of New York Workshop on the Economics of Cross-border Banking, Tilburg University, FIRS (Dubrovnik), Conference on “Risk Taking in Financial Institutions, Regulation and the Real Economy” (Banque de France)
Policy presentations
Department for International Development (DfID), Microfinance Club UK, Banca d’Italia
Academic conferences and invited seminars
AEA Annual Meetings (Chicago), 7th New York Fed/NYU Stern Conference on Financial Intermediation, 5th Winter Conference on Financial Intermediation (Lenzerheide), New Economic School (Moscow), Higher School of Economics (Moscow), MoFiR Workshop on Banking (Ancona), Austrian Central Bank, George Washington University, Universität Osnabrück, European Economic Association Conference (Malaga), De Nederlandsche Bank (Amsterdam), Hungarian Central Bank, University of Surrey, World Bank, University of St. Gallen, J-PAL Paris, University of Cambridge, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Maastricht University
Academic discussions
Higher School of Economics (Moscow), European Central Bank
Policy presentations
Convergences World Forum (Paris), Higher School of Economics (Moscow, keynote), OECD Experts Meeting on Financial Services (Paris), Symposium “Global Banking, Financial Stability and Post-Crisis Policy Challenges” (Maastricht University, keynote)